Delta Levees
Mar 21, 2022 12:30 PM
Gilbert Cosio
Delta Levees

Gilbert Cosio, River Delta Consulting and 

Hosted by club member, Emily Pappalardo
This is a Hybrid Meeting. Both In-Person and Zoom.  Our guest speaker will be attending LIVE.
For Zoom Guests:  Please contact Douglas to receive your invitation that includes the access code to our Monday Zoom meeting.

Zoom Link Information:

The Zoom link information is posted here on Monday AM.  Check back then.


Delta Levees

About the Speaker:

Currently, Gilbert Cosio, Jr. is the owner of River Delta Consulting.  He is also seeking appointment to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB).  The CVFPB is one of our partners in protecting our residents from the dangers of flooding.
Gil just retired from MBK Engineers where he also received the Integrated Floodplain Management Award at the 2019 Floodplain Management Conference in San Diego for “35 years of protecting Delta Islands and Delta infrastructure”.
Mr. Cosio has spent his 38 year career as a flood control engineer in the Central Valley, most directly in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, where he served as the District Engineer for over 30 reclamation districts. It is in this capacity that Mr. Cosio constantly strived to balance the region's flood control needs with the critical habitat the Central Valley provides, while also finding innovative ways to improve the environment and reducing flood risk to these communities
Mr. Cosio has been an expert and advocate for regional sustainability of the Delta.  He has served on many expert panels, including CALFED; Delta Vision and Blue Ribbon Task Forces; the Bay Delta Conservation Plan; Water Fix; and the Delta Conveyance Program. He has been a contributor to the California Central Valley Flood Control Association (CCVFCA), as their engineer, working across the aisle to support legislation to improve the State Plan of Flood Control levee system and to promote program funding.