End Polio Now, Join the PolioPlus Society

Rotary’s Legacy in the Effort to Eradicate Polio Worldwide
End Polio Now

 Today, Rotarians worldwide continue to work through our polio networks to eradicate polio.     

SCAN OR CLICK - all donations by 10/24/2024 are matched 1 to 1 by the Gates Foundation.  Makes your dollar worth twice as much!

Breaking News, 2024!
10/21/2024 Unfortunately, reports are in that we now have 54 cases of Polio.  It is also reported, if immunization isn't stepped up, we could be looking at 200,000 case soon. 
8/2024 There are currently 18 cases of wild polio, 9 in Afghanistan and 9 in Pakistan. But, there are positive soil samples of the polio virus in Gaza, so we know there will be more cases coming from there.  This update was provided by District 5180 End Polio Now Chairman, Joe Scheimer.

Joe has set our District 5180 Raise for Rotary Fundraiser for PolioPlus. His goal is to have Rotarians & Friends contribute $75,000 for the fight to end polio.  Join our District 5180 in End Polio Now by CLICKING HERE to contribute online at the District Level.  OR submit a commitment form to contribute at least $100 per year.  These forms may be handed to Jim Cook, our Foundation Chairman.  You will Make a Change!

Update June 30, 2023!
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Walnut Grove for achieving its End Polio Now campaign goal for the 2022-2023 year.  Surpassing the goal at 104.3%, the club expresses it sincere thanks to everyone for their contributions to fight polio world wide.
In addition, the Rotary Club of Walnut Grove smashed through their Rotary International goal at 166%.  This important contribution returns to our local district in three years to continue serving our communities.  THANK YOU again for your support.
UPDATE 2023:  With continued hard work, wild polio cases are finally on the decrease after the pandemic.  As of October, 7 wild cases have been found.  5 in Afghanistan and 2 in Pakistan.  Rotary continues to work towards eradication of polio and you can help by donating to the PolioPlus Society.  Join by October 24, and funds are matched by other leading organizations.  Just submit a commitment form to contribute at least $100 per year.  You will Make a Change!
UPDATE 2022:  After nearly reaching our goal last year when only 2 cases of polio were reported, however recent news is that polio is being detected around the world in places where it hasn't been found in decades, including the United states.  27 wild cases in the world.  2 in Afghanistan, 19 in Pakistan, and 6 in Mozambique.  It only takes a minute or two to be a part of a world solution.  Vaccines have been deployed to stop outbreaks.  At this time, please consider joining the PolioPlus Society by October 24, by submitting a commitment form to contribute at least $100/year until polio is eradicated.
UPDATE 2020:  We’re committed to service, and we’re not afraid to dream big and set bold goals.  We began our fight against polio in 1979 with a project to immunize 6 million children in the Philippines.  Today, polio remains endemic in only three countries—down from 125 in 1988.  As recently as July 2020, Nigeria has been certified Polo Free.  In August of 2020, End Polio Now announced that only 85 cases remain worldwide.  29 in Afghanistan and 56 in Pakistan.  Reaching last year’s commitment means The Gates Foundation then matched donations 2-1, which in turn, the Rotary Foundation matched.

Join PolioPlus Today

At this time, please consider joining the PolioPlus Society by October 24, 2024

by submitting a commitment form to contribute at least $100/year until polio is eradicated.



Remember, your Contribution Form for The Rotary Foundation
allows you to choose where your contribution goes.


Donors and Clubs using Joe's Link below will also receive full credit for their donations.

CLICK HERE to contribute online with District 5180 and Joe's Goal by 10/24/2024 - World Polio Day. 

 CLICK HERE to download a the Traditional Rotary Contribution Form that is both FILLABLE or PRINTABLE.  

You may complete the form and turn it into Jim Cook, our club Foundation Chairman.

AND Make Your Online Payment by CLICKING HERE.