The present status Since August 2021, I have already reached the understanding with my former Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbor, that we will work together on a project of this nature. They have ear marked funding accordingly. Our District 5180 is quite interested because this is the first time in 10 years that we have a project where an American club plays the host. The last project was Human Trafficking headed by Rotary Club of East Sacramento. Now I am at the stage of communicating with UOP.
As soon as Rotary International approves our project, then we can start raising funds. I intend to raise money from various clubs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, even Malaysia. Then we can also try to raise fund from clubs of 5180. For the money we raise from the clubs, we will be able to use them to leverage for the matching grants from DDF, (District Designated Fund) and Global Grant Fund. I am still working on the nexus of all these funding which inter-relates. In the months to come, I need members to join the committee to prepare for the upcoming fundraising endeavors. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Prepared by Douglas Hsia International Service Director April 2, 2022.
Douglas Hsia, Director